Monday, March 17, 2014

Thank You for REAL Friends

Dear God,

Today, I want to bury a friend. That sounds horrible to write, but it is true. I don't mean that in a physical sense, but in an emotional, psychological, and soulful sense.

Sometimes, friends aren't really friends at all. They are only fantasies of what we want true friendship to be. I think that true, honest, rewarding, loving friendships can only come from You. The friendship that Jonathan and David had in the bible had to be a most intimate and abundant experience for them both. Abundant to the good AND to the bad. They really loved each other as friends, didn't they? Oh, to have such a connection with another human being.....some people can spend their entire lives searching for this type of relationship and never even come close to receiving it.

Lord, please bless me with wonderful and solid friendships. Please keep away the "fake" and supply me with only the "REAL" friends. Help me to have the discernment to tell the difference as well. I will be grateful.


p.s. Your timing is AMAZING Lord. Thank you! xo

{Daily Scripture Reading: I Samuel 18:1-4}

Jonathan became one in spirit with David,
and he loved him as himself.
I Samuel 18:1

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