Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Appreciate EVERYTHING!!

Blink and a day is gone.
Sleep and a week is gone.
Do something you love to do and a lifetime is gone before you know it.

There is NOT enough me to do all that needs doing.

Does anyone have enough of themselves to do what they want to do?

I think of people that are homeless. Do their days seem long or short to them? I am going to ask this question to the next homeless person that I see. It seems that there are more and more homeless people popping up in the area that I live in. Someone told me that Dallas has kicked out a lot of their homeless that are living under bridges and in the streets and they have hopped on the northbound trains and ended up in Denton, TX. I would hate to be a homeless woman in a sea of homeless men. It has to be harder for women than men. I would think. If I was a homeless woman, I would pretend like I was a man. I guess that I would blow my cover when it was time to pee though. Homeless women seem crazier than homeless men. Are they? I don't usually see homeless women standing on street corners with signs for donations. It seems to be men only. Is that because they beat the women up? These are things I ponder. It has been so cold here the last few months. Where do they go when it gets cold? I hate being out for a few minutes. Imagine if that is the ONLY place you can be....outside when the temperature is below freezing. Imagine being limited to having and owning only the things you can carry. What would I carry? Where would I get food? What are the most important things in life to carry on you at all times? Do these people give a rip about cell phones and social media? This may secretly be heaven on earth for folks.

Things I would carry with me if I was homeless:
*my ukulele
*my backpack

What would be in my backpack?

I read a story one time about the Jews during pre WWII when they were being taken to the ghettos to live. They could only take what they could carry. One girl's mom told her to put on her heavy winter boots even though it was summertime and very hot. This girl ended up in a concentration camp and survived the winters. She later wrote that it was her boots that kept her alive. She had warm boots to keep her alive. The small things that we take for granted could be the things that help us survive tragic events.

Small things that I take for granted:
*toe nail clippers
*good knives
*running water

I could have a million things on this list and not begin to list all of the small things that are a blessing. Let's not even begin the list of sight, sound, touch, taste, speech, the ability to think and process information.

Is this world turning into a place of people that do not know how to appreciate anything?
The ability to appreciate and be grateful for life (let's be general here) is paramount in establishing the quality of life we live.

Do something good with the gifts given to you!! If you have breath, appreciate EVERYTHING!!

Thursday, February 15, 2018

The Beginning of a Story

They said that she looked NORMAL on the outside. She had a bright and cheerful disposition most days, but no one knew the internal hysteria that thundered throughout her soul as she robotically worked through her mundane job. She hid it well. Inside herself, she was insane. The voices in her head tormented her all hours of the day and night as she attempted to live a NORMAL life. She had never revealed to anyone her cavernous thoughts and manic desires.

But one day, she decided that she would share her wickedness with THE WORLD!!!

The beginning of the end so to speak.

This story could go so many directions....

Where shall I take it?


Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Telephone Operators

I was sitting at work today and I wondered,

"Are telephone operators still around?"

I picked up the phone.

Dialed "9" to get an outside line.

Dialed "0" because that use to be how to get in touch with an operator if you had questions.

You know what I got?

A busy signal.

I guess phone companies must have cut down on staffing and the four or five people they have working were busy with other calls.

There used to be songs written about operators.(Google for a list of operator songs because I am pressed for time).

I guess songs will now be written about real live non people that don't exist like Echo and Alexa.

Has anyone ever thought about the people that actually PROGRAM these devices?? Who are THEY? Is that where all the operators have gone?

It boggles the mind, "it" being obsoleteness.
