Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Letters of February 23rd thru March 4rd, 2014

This will be a HUGE post, but I was on vacation and I have to post all the ones I missed in one shot...so...here it goes (all unedited):

March 4, 2014
Dear God,

The other day I was driving to the Square to play music with my dad and friends and I almost started crying because of all the things that I passed by along the way.

1. An elderly man and woman were walking side by side by the road. They were holding hands. I wondered if they were married and for how long if they were. It was sweet.

2. A young woman was pushing an elderly woman in a wheelchair down the sidewalk. They were talking and laughing together. I hope that if I ever have to be in a wheelchair, someone will be there to take me out for a stroll and carry on a conversation; complete with laughter and musings.

3. I saw an elderly couple riding bicycles together. The woman was in the lead a little bit. (Had to add that bit!)

I verbally said, "No more. I can't take the sweetness." It seems that life is a lot sweeter with You in the mix.

Thank you for showing me these things today.


March 3, 2014
Dear God,

Do animals have souls? Will our wonderful "unconditional love" pets be waiting for us when we get to Heaven?

Our two little weiny dogs, Maggie and Hoss, sure bring smiles and laughter to my heart. When I was growing up, mom would not allow dogs and cats in our house. My dad is an animal lover. When he was growing up, he had a pet rooster that he could make crow. The squirrels come up to him where he lives and beg for pecans. Dogs adore my dad. He is an animal whisperer and has such a gentle soul. I have never ever heard him cuss.....once. You know if he has or not. ;)

Anyway, will all the animals he has been around in his life time be waiting for him too? I know that in the book of Revelations it mentions horses so I am taking it upon myself to extend that to all animals, except snakes...ugh....and insects.....especially flies.

Just a goofy thought today.

I love you (say Hello to mom today from me).


March 2, 2014
Dear God,

How big can life get? How much can a person take on? How much good and how much bad can we as humans handle before it destroys us; and I mean in both directions on life's road map.

Saying that too much bad stuff can kill us kind of goes without saying. Is there too much good though? Is it ever possible to receive so much good that we can't handle it? Just wondering.

People say they want to "win the lottery" and then they think that all of their financial woes will just was away and life will be better. I have seen stories of how some people have won the lottery, received their millions of dollars, and after all the money is spent, they are worse off than before they won.

I guess true "good" isn't in the money we have or the things that we own. I think it is in the way we treat others and the intensity of how we love You. Could there ever be too much good in those two things?


March 1, 2014
Dear God,

I was walking the other morning and I saw a rainbow in the sky. I am not sure if anyone else saw it, but I did.

Thank you for Your promise in the sky that says that You will never destroy the earth by flood. It must have been BAD here on earth to almost eradicate the entire human race except for Noah and his family. I know how things are down here NOW. There is a lot of bad stuff and wicked evil people in this world.

I thank you for your Spirit that is alive and well in this world right now too. You said that Your Spirit would not always strive with man, so I would NOT want to be here when that day comes and the spirit is removed and gone. Just as Your rainbow promise is true, Your words about your Spirit are also true.

Thank you God for your promises.


February 28, 2014
Dear God,

Is it OK to say "Hallelujah" if we are talking about something other than Heaven stuff or God stuff?

The other day at work, I asked my boss at work about something and his response to my question immediately prompted  me to say out loud "Hallelujah!". I really meant it too because I was so happy at for the answer that I received. I think that it was so cool that without thinking at all, my response came out like that. I think that my writing to You these letters and reading Your letters to me is changing me a bit. It has been six months and I am starting to see, feel, and react differently to situations and people.

I say different, I mean better. It is weird, but I'm liking it.

These people that You are sending into my life are amazing. Wow......all I can think of is that You said that we would have "Life Abundant" and at my age, I am really starting to see that happen.

I Love You Lord,

February 27, 2014
Dear God,

I read an article this morning that was written by a man that says that he once was a non christian, then he became a christian, and now he is not a christian again. He says that he doesnt' like the term "atheist" but prefers to be called an apostate. Well, I had to look that up as I have heard the term apostate, I just haven't used it much in my day to to day goings about.

Do you know what was interesting to me? His passion and my passion were extremely similar in that he fervently believes in nothing (You know who he is and you have seen what he has written) and I fervently believe in YOU. He is extremely passionate that "NOTHING" exists beyond what we are and what we do. He knows bible terminologies and all the christian so  called "catch phrases" and could probably far exceed in debates about the bible with most so called Christian folks.

How does that happen God?

One day, it will be clear. Until then, I'll keep reading Your word and doing the best that I can to follow it because it works....it really does.


February 26, 2014
Dear God,

Do you ever look at the way some churches are being run and just shake your head? People can behave like little chldren when it comes to issues of the church. For that matter, people can behave like children at work too, and at home, and at the gorocery storess too. There are levels of everything EVERYWHERE.

For people, there are levels of maturities and experiences that make up who we are and help us determine how we will react in all circumstances that we come across while living, eating, and breathing here on earth.

Why am I saying this to you God? You know this so much MORE than I do. I am such an ant crawling around in my own little world. Ants can't see the entirety of where they are. They can't see the big mountain cliff ahead or the huge mountain lake that they will have to crawl around. Me neither. I like to think that I can, but I really don't . I can't even see the true levels of living too clearly. I really only see the moment that I am in right now. The rest is perception until I get there, or is it?

God, I sure don't have your mind, do I?


February 25, 2014
Dear God,

I deal with Dr. Jekylls, Mr. Hydes, and Master Deceptors sometimes. I feel like traps are set up to see how I will react and how I might sacrifice everything good in my life for a big pile of lies and dirt.

The bible says that broad is the way that leads to destruction and MANY go that direction. Narrow is the way to life, and FEW find it. That narrow road often comes with walls for me and sometimes I have to turn sideways and baby step it through those narrow passageways.

BUT, I have always emerged from the narrowness to find that there is a big, bright,  beautiful cavern to rest in and take on the beauty for a while until my journey takes me to another narrow path with walls so close together that often times I feel that I can't breath.

Keep on pressing forward I say because the results are going to be SPECTACULAR!


February 24, 2014
Dear God,

I have an acquaintance that I have known for years that recently lost his father to cancer. I HATE cancer. What a thief!

Anyway, (that's another tangent), his father loved You very much. When a Godly man or woman dies on this earth, and people know that they loved You, it takes a little bit of the sting out of the mourning process. We still grieve and are sad, but there is comfort in knowing that they are in Heaven with You, the angels, and all the other people that have lived and died on this earth that accepted Your dear Son as their Savior. The reassurance is like having a warm blanket hug around us while we cry and heal from the loss of a loved one.

Lord, thank you for comfort while we mourn (Matt 5:4). Please be with the folks who have lost loved ones and comfort them today.


February 23, 2014
Dear God,

Why do people get so wrapped up in "things"? Owning things, having things, wanting things, working for things, things..things..things! Your word says to lay up treasures in Heaven where moth or rust don't destroy and thieves won't steel. (matt 6:19-21)

I have read several books on simplifying life. I love the idea of "less is more". Did King David have a simple life? It doesn't sound like it to me when I read about all the things that he went through. Did Jesus have a simple life when He was on this earth? He didn't own a home, a car, probably not very many clothes either. He dealt with people and to me, that is not a simple life. Maybe the less "things" we have, the more we CAN deal with folks around us. Hmmmm.......Maybe "the simple life" doesn't mean having less stuff. Maybe the "simple life" won't really come to us until we get to Heaven. I think the only people that I know how to have a simple life are my dogs and they aren't people.

Whoever said to crave "a simple life" might be CrAzY!!! Maybe life is not SUPPOSED to be simple. Has anyone ever thought about that?

Just another pondering thought from this speck down here.


Thank you for the blessing of vacations and the
wonderful peace that comes with getting
away from the throngs of life.
Love, Me:)

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