Saturday, January 16, 2016

MY WORD!! It's Been A While..Do People Still BLOG?

Where the HECK did time go?

The last post was done in August of 2015. I am not even sure if people read these things or if anyone out there still BLOGS!! Do people Blog and do people read the BLOGS that are written by bloggers? There is so much out there in the virtual world now that keeps people reading and absorbing info. Is blogging a thing of the past? Will it dissolve like MySpace (remember MySpace....does it still exist?)

My computer broke MONTHS ago. Well, it is full of bugs, viruses, and such. I go to the library to type or work. Phones don't cut it when you are trying to type paragraphs and words of everlasting WIT to the world.

I looked at my stats from this site and there are a few hits (probably by mistake) from many countries. Thank you! Thank you very much you 16 people from other countries that accidentally stumbled onto my blog because you were looking for something else online. THANK YOU!

I write EVERY day. I am in the process of writing my 4th book. I read the four chapters that I have typed up this morning. It is an adult children's book. It is so cool. I read it and I can't believe that I wrote it. Some of the stuff is hilarious. Since only 16 people in the world read this blog, it really doesn't matter if I blow my own horn here. I think it is GOOD! I am gonna give it to my daughter to read. She is a voracious reader and will give me an honest daughter to mother factual opinion about it...hurt or no will be truth according to her. I think she should be a writer. She would be 100 times better than I am, or is it "me"?

Anyway, life is good in Texas USA and Hello to the 16 people in other countries (especially Russia for some reason) that stumble onto this blog. There are voices that will listen and people who care out in this world. Just because a response isn't obtained through the internet does not mean that people don't care. Get out and find real live flesh and blood folks to hug on, talk to, and share things with because THAT is the REAL stuff.


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