Tuesday, March 27, 2018

One Post in March

I read the last post that I wrote in February and DANG, that thing sure rambled on!

I had to get at least ONE post in for the month of March before it dissipates. March, not my post.

So, here it is.

One post.

In March.



Do I have any words of wit for this month?


The words are:

Get your ducks in a row.
Dreams Don't Work Unless You Do.
Call your mom.
Happy Easter (even though that is in April this year).
Don't wait. . . for ANYTHING!
Take a different route home from work at least once a week.

Goofy things I wonder about at times:

Wouldn't it be fantastic if there was a phone line to Heaven? Wouldn't it be not so fantastic if there was only ONE phone in ONE location in the world to make those calls from?

How HARD would it be to invent chocolate that tasted good AND didn't make a person fat??
Is that too much to ask? Oh yeah, and also how hard would it be to let loose the CURE for cancer to those that have the cure? Does one person hold the magic answers? Also, has someone actually been aborted that DID have the cure? I hear people say that about babies that are aborted? People say that we may be killing the people that have the answers to life's problems. Maybe that is why we have dadgum TRUMP as President here in the good old USA....someone got rid of who was SUPPOSED to be the President and our punishment is Trump. This COULD be true....no way to prove it though. No way at all. That is why I like to ask questions that can't be answered. I especially like to ask these questions to people that are the SMARTEST PEOPLE IN THE WORLD. I know quite a few of these folks and their intelligence blows me away and down a sewer hole sometimes. Lots of smart people with lots of answers in this world. I am sarcastically amazed by their wit:)

All for March.

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