I have 11 minutes to type.
Timed writing is race writing is good writing or bad writing.
I'm not so sure that working under pressure always produces the best results.
Wit Wall.
Say it out loud.
And quickly too.
It sounds like you have a speech impediment. (a little bit)
I am making a Wit Wall in my loft room. One wall will have paper all over it with Sharpe pens near by and every thought that comes to my head will be written down. I've seen this in movies when they lock people up in those padded rooms. Crazy people write on walls. Is it that crazy? What is wrong with getting the things in your head out for you to visually look at and see if it makes sense? Sometimes, it doesn't make sense. Is that wrong? I think it is a magnificent idea to have categories and separate boxes, lines, circles, or WHATEVERS to divide out what you are thinking about.
For instance, my wonderful inventions. I can have an entire section to put all of the ideas that pop up in my head about certain things that need to be invented (or don't need to be invented). Maybe a list of things that should never be invented. Don't EVER invent a gas can made up of compressed grass coated with kerosene. You know, things like that.
Some people may not even need an entire wall. Maybe they only need a Wit Stamp or a Wit Copy Machine Paper. I don't know. I think I will need an entire wall.
Einstein probably needed a house....with lots of walls.
Wit Wall!!! (my battle cry for today).
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