Took my book to the publisher and she came up with a BRILLIANT idea to add 60 more pages of written words to my completed manuscript....."It will make it better...." I should be typing up the words that I have written so far, but I am blogging instead.
There are three elements to each poem that I have written:
1. The poems themselves
2. The illustrations that I drew (special note: I am NOT an illustrator, but now that I have illustrated this book, I guess I am....what exactly determines what an illustrator is? Is it anyone that draws with a pen or pencil? In my case, YES...that is what it means.)
3. A bible verse that compliments the poem and/or picture drawn (found out that you cannot pull just any old bible verse out of any old bible and use it as a quote in any old book a person writes because the dern things are copyright protected and you have to get permission or heaven forbid PAY to use the words. I pulled all of the verses from my NIV 1984 edition bible. Who knew? Every word ever written in the lifetime of mankind is should be called copywronged.......because how can you take the words from an old bible, change up a few passages, copyright the new thing and claim them as your own when the words are Holy Spirit inspired.....CrAzY!! Where is the first addition? Does anyone know GREEK?
4. THE NEW IDEA: write about where the idea for each poem came from. A few of the poems came from some very dark places and I am not sure if I will write down where they came from or pull them from the book. I came to one of them yesterday to write about and I skipped over it to write about the next poem on my list, a poem about Maggie our weiner dog eating a frog. Guess where I got the idea for THAT poem?
I thought that THREE was the magic number, but I was given a fourth task to complete so now FOUR is the magic number although I think that only uneven numbers can be magic numbers so I guess I will have to come up with a FIFTH element to this book to keep it odd. (The numbers, not the book, although the book is odd in some places.)
I can't WAIT to get this project DONE!! My banjo is calling me to learn it every day and I have an amazing picture that I have to draw with oil pastel crayons!! I also have two more books to write and one of them scares the britches off of me because of the depth that I have to dig into myself to write it. I am also scared of who I will be AFTER I write it. I know that I will NOT be the same that a bad thing? If we live on this earth, we need to be changing and exploring and adventuring every day. It's OK to change. It IS!!! I give whoever is reading these words PERMISSION to CHANGE your life!! You have the permission of an illustrator that writes books now. Does that mean anything?
I have also asked three people so far to endorse my book and they have all said yes. A preacher, a dentist, and a bank CEO. I have several more people to ask from all walks of life and from different parts of the world! This book will be GLOBAL in scale....minutely global in scale. I'll take that! Sounds good to me. I give myself a homemade award for almost finishing this thing. I'll give myself a better reward when I have a printed copy in my hands! I'll give myself the BEST reward when 50,000 copies have been read. What is 50K in a world of 7 BILLION folks? Does anyone know math? What percentage is that? I would figure it up if I had a 10 key because my phone just won't do it.
That is my spiel for the day....
The End
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