Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Skip to My Lou My Darlin'

Dear God,

When I was little, I remember sitting around a tape recorder while my dad played the guitar and we would sing "Skip to My Lou". Last week, we were playing music around the town square and my dad was playing his banjo. Guess which song I was singing? Well, you already know, but it was "Skip to My Lou".

I am so glad that some things never change, especially You and Truth.

Thank you for things that never change. Thank you for creating the person that wrote "Skip to My Lou". Did they know that when they wrote it, a daughter and her daddy would be singing it together for over 40 years? How cool is THAT?


{Daily Scripture Reading: Proverbs 17:6}

Children’s children are a crown to the aged,
    and parents are the pride of their children.

Proverbs 17:6
(special note: this picture was NOT taken by me, but by a newspaper
photographer a few years back)

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