Thursday, October 10, 2013

Lord, Be My Strength

Dear God,

Some days, I need a lot of help and some days I need a little help and some days, I think that I don't need any help at all.

I am not thinking too clearly when I think that I don't need any help at all because I actually need You every single day.

I am a pretty stubborn person and I often feel that I am internally strong enough to handle most of life's problems "head on". The truth is that ANY day that I wake up, I could face extreme pressure and trauma and I need YOU every day to strengthen, build, develop, and make me into someone that can praise you and help other people while walking around on this rock called Earth.

I love you God.


{Daily Scripture Reading: Psalms 18:1, Exodus 15:2}

The Lord is my strength and my song; he has become my salvation.
Exodus 15:2

1 comment:

  1. My dearest, beautiful. sweet cousin who has such a wonderful heart for God...I am so Blessed. I know your Mom and Aunt Fran are smiling from heaven...continue to share God's Love in your heart, music, work and life...Love you so much...your sappy, but truthful cousin Twila
