SO much has been going on the last few months! What am I saying? I mean the last YEAR!
I finally submitted my book of poetry with illustrations to my publisher to get it going and it should be out by the first part of November. I was hoping by October 17th, and that MAY still happen. I won't hold my breath on that though.
I rarely get on this blog anymore and my publisher (I say "my publisher" like that's such a big deal. Actually, I am self publishing and the people helping me are HELPING me by doing all the set up work and the cover) thought that I should look into getting my own website like Theresa Arnold dot something.... I could blog from there and put my CD's and my books and my artwork out there for sale or amusement. Question, what is the exact number of people that have done that and have put their art online? Just wondering. HOW do people FIND such things? Still kicking around the idea though as I plan on writing more books and starting a series of brainless ramblings about life and death and flowers and animals and inanimate objects talking and horribly gross stuff. I really flock to the gross stuff of life. Not sure why. One time, I was going to take a series of pictures (yes, I dabble in photography a little) of dead animals that I found on the road. I took a picture of a squashed squirrel that was petrified flat to the road and thought 'agin it as it was pretty gross. I thought people might think I was weird for doing that. Is that weird? Taking pictures of dead animals on the road? What if it were tastefully done? Not sure how, but what if it were?
Anyway, I am proud to announce that after almost 3 years of working on and off on this poetry project, I am seeing the light at the end of the literary tunnel. YEAH!! The next project can't be this long to write. I have learned a lot in my writing, storing info, illustrating, and communicating with other folks about this project. God is GOOD! Some people say that Jesus was a good teacher. I say he was the best. I asked him about 3 years ago to not only be my Savior but also my teacher and to please give me an assignment to do. I wrote down a list of three books that needed writing. This first one was one of them. THREE YEARS looks like it may be finished. When I turned in this book to what I call "my publisher", I felt relief, and discouragement. What do I do now? I have been worrying and working, slaving and sweating over this project and I felt emptiness. WEIRD! NOW, my imagination is starting to come back and I would like to say "THANK YOU JESUS!!" I would have never finished this project if my imagination button was not pushed off for a while. He knows me and He knows my problem with starting projects, I mean FINISHING projects. I am a master at starting them. I am a novice at finishing them. I like the way it feels when things are finished. Perhaps this will be the start of an entire new way of being!! Wow, finishing things could become a habit or something. That would be nice. I want to be Queen of the Finishers!! Majesty of the Wrap-Up! Princess of Accomplishments! This will be a magnificent road to travel down in my second half of life:)
Excited to see the fruit of my labor starting to bud!!