Thursday, December 7, 2017

Ready, Set, Write...

Let the writing begin:

Writing about writing is a circle of writing, don't you think?

What does one write about writing?

I took a songwriter's class this summer and it was fun sitting in a room with a bunch of folks like me trying to come up with ideas about pencils and horses and stars.

Writing comes from an innate desire to.....


It is that simple.

Every day, I have to write something. Let me say that again:

Every day, I HAVE to WRITE SOMETHING....

No, it needs to read


aww....that's better. Had to jot that down.


Tuesday, December 5, 2017

The Magic of People in a Crowded Room

I saw him.

I was standing in line to order a chicken salad sandwich, garden salad, and a Coke for my mother in law and order a taco soup, wildberry smoothie, ice tea, and coffee for me and I saw him.

He was sitting next to another guy, a friend perhaps. He was talking to his friend but eye contacting me. I looked away quickly so he wouldn't notice that I noticed him or perhaps it was an accidental glance that connected us for a millisecond moment. I was next in line to place my order. The man and woman in front of me were taking their time, which was fine with me as I wasn't in a hurry.

DANG! I glanced over at stare guy in hopes that our eyes wouldn't meet again and that our moment in time was mere happenstance and I'll be darned if the invisible line of vision didn't take place AGAIN! Two times now! Do I go for three strikes? I'm too inquisitive NOT to look again...stupid Pandora's Box!

I place my order, pay the lady with my debit card, and glance over one more time. The guy was a nice looking man. Probably around 40 years of age. I'm feeling flattered that this eye contact type of game is still played in our type of world that we live in now and I am glad that I'm still found worthy enough to be included as a player. As I get older, I wonder when this will sadly come to an end and a "different" type of look will replace the flirty gazes of know, the look that changes to concern from people that you don't know because they wonder if you need help carrying boxes or walking up stairs. Not yet for me! I'm sure when I get to that point in my life, fraternization will be a long gone memory and a non existent desire, which makes me sad.

Was the mysterious, lost connection, good looking man looking at me a THIRD time?

I'll hold the answer to that question in my heart for a while as I merrily skip on down the road and glance at a reflection of myself in a nearby window...noticing that I'm not as old as my age because my heart, soul, and mind still sees and captures the magic of people in a crowded room.

btw, I'm 19,024 day old....
