Dear God,
That's where I left off yesterday. Your word says we fight against principalities and powers we can't see. SO TRUE!! Look how many people have to take medications to get through the day because of internal issues. Look how many people get addicted to drugs and alcohol.....WHY? Why do they do this? Doesn't it all begin with our internal battles and desires from within ourselves? The things we can't see, touch, taste, smell and hear (our desires, wills, souls) are the things that drive us to do what we do in the physical world.
It really IS all about the things we can't see. That is why FAITH in You is so important. When the final battle is fought, YOU win! Knowing THAT.......well, that helps me with the mini-battles down here on earth.
Yesterdays Post:
August 25
Dear God,
Today, I looked up the words:
I'm not sure why, but I really am interested in the concept of battles. I am not too sure if we as Christians should ignore this topic as we DAILY battle so many attacks from Satan, from our inner selves, and from folks around us. I think understanding the way battles are fought and the strategies behind them are paramount in our survival as Christians and as people.
Not so much the physical battles, but the spiritual and invisible ones that we can't see.....THOSE are the battles I'm talkin' 'bout.
More later.
For our struggle is not against flesh and blood,
but against the rulers, against the authorities,
against the powers of this dark world and
against the spiritual forces of evil
in the heavenly realms.
Ephesians 6:12 |